Page 228 - 2020 - Alu Flipbook Catalog
P. 228

Pop-up with Clips

     Pop-up stands are still the most popular           Pop-Up Ständer sind die populärsten standart                                                                                    Product is packed unassembled.
     standard display for large graphic displays.       Displays für die grossen Grafikdisplays. Sie sind                                                                               Das Produkt wird unmontiert verpackt geliefert.
     They are easy to transport, light weight, simple   leicht zu transportieren, leichtgewichtig, leicht                                                                               Simple pop-ups, no tool assembly.
     pop-ups and packable into a roto-molded            aufstellbar und können leicht in der Plastiktasche                                                                              Aufbau ohne Werkzeug und schnelle
     plastic carry bag for transportation. Pop-up       transportiert werden. Sie werden in Variationen                                                                                 Bereitschaft zum Einsatz.
     displays have a variety of sizes 3x3, 3x4. Panels  3x3 und 3x4 angeboten.Die Panele bilden einen                                                                                   Lighting equipment is optional, not
     are fitted to create a round display. Lights are   Halbkreis. Die Beleuchtung ist extra zu bestellen.                                                                              included in the original pack.
     available upon request.                                                                                                                                                            Die Beleuchtung ist extra zu bestellen.

     3x4 Printing Panel Sizes                           3x3 Printing Panel Sizes                                                                           Transport bag / UPP0110000

                                      Central Side   2280 mm                                                                                               MATERIAL : Aluminium                          WEIGHT         PACKING SIZE
                                       Panel Panel                                                                                        2280 mm                                                      WITH PACKING      *W X H X D
     Side   Central  Central Central                    Side       Central Central Central  Side                                                                                                                     410 X 920 X 600 mm
     Panel   Panel    Panel Panel                       Panel      Panel    Panel Panel     Panel                                                                                                        30,120 kg   410 X 920 X 600 mm
                                                                                                                                                           ARTICLE               MODEL                   34,550 kg   410 X 920 X 600 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                         30,120 kg   410 X 920 X 600 mm
                                                                                                                                                           UPPC120033   Pop Up 3x3 (with Bag)            34,550 kg

                                                                                                                                                           UPPC120034   Pop Up 3x4 (with Bag)

     650 mm 680 mm 680 mm 680 mm 680 mm 650 mm          650 mm 680 mm 680 mm 680 mm 650 mm                                                                 UPPC130033 Pop Up 3x3 (with Bag& Lighting)
                                     4020 mm                                       3340 mm
                                                                                                                                                           UPPC130034 Pop Up 3x4 (with Bag& Lighting)

                               MATERIAL : Aluminium                                                                                                                                                      WEIGHT      PACKING SIZE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       WITH PACKING   *W X H X D
                               ARTICLE MODEL            PVC PANEL                                                                                  HOLDER               MAGNETIC BAR MAGNETIC STRIPES

                                                     CENTRAL QUANTITY SIDE  QUANTITY CENTRAL QUANTITY                                              SIDE    QUANTITY

                               UPPC100033 3 X 3 680 X 2280 mm 3 650 X 2280 mm 2 680 X 56 X 2 mm 6                                                  650 X 56 X 0,8 mm 4  1 set 18 pcs 30 m (1 rulo)     21,600 kg 420 X 860 X 420 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                       25,310 kg 420 X 860 X 420 mm
                               UPPC100034 3 X 4 680 X 2280 mm 4 650 X 2280 mm 2 680 X 56 X 2 mm 8                                                  650 X 56 X 0,8 mm 4  1 set 21 pcs 30 m (1 rulo)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             * W:Width H: Height D: Depth

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