Page 274 - 2020 - Alu Flipbook Catalog
P. 274

Semi Products

     Profile / UYUP012900          Profile / UYUP014101                                   Profile / UYUP014104             Profile / UYUP014102             Profile / UYUP014103
     Rapid Brochure set            Double Sided Maxi profile.                             Double Sided Maxi profile.       Single Sided Maxi profile.       Single Sided Maxi profile.
     middle profile. 3 meters.     King Frame Profile. 3 meters.                          Queen Frame Profile.             Dame Frame Profile. 3 meters.    Valet Frame Profile. 3 meters.
     Profil / UYUP012900           50x40 mm.                                              3 meters. 45x15 mm.              34x32 mm.                        15x22 mm.
     Rapid Brochure set            Profil / UYUP014101                                    Profil / UYUP014104              Profil / UYUP014102              Profil / UYUP014103
     middle Profil. 3 meter.       Double Sided Maxi Profil.                              Double Sided Maxi Profile        Single Sided Maxi Profil.        Single Sided Maxi Profil.
                                   King Frame Profil. 3 meter.                            King Frame Profil. 3 meter.      Dame Frame Profil. 3 meter.      Valet Frame Profil. 3 meter.
                                   50x40 mm.                                              45x15 mm.                        34x32 mm.                        15x22 mm.

     Profile / UYUP014105          Profile / UYUP014106                                   Profile / UYUP021900             Profile / UYUP021910             Profile / UYUP021920
     Single Sided Maxi profile.    H profile for Maxi frames.                             Wall Sign profile 52 mm.         Wall Sign profile 74 mm.         Wall Sign profile 94 mm.
     Ace Frame Profile. 3 meters.  3 meters. 36x19 mm.                                    6 meters.                        6 meters.                        6 meters.
     32x8 mm.                      Profil / UYUP014106                                    Profil / UYUP021900              Profil / UYUP021910              Profil / UYUP021920
     Profil / UYUP014105           H Profil für Maxi frames.                              Wall Sign Profil 52 mm.          Wall Sign Profil 74 mm.          Wall Sign Profil 94 mm.
     Single Sided Maxi Profil.     3 meter. 36x19 mm                                      6 meter.                         6 meter.                         6 meter.
     Ace Frame Profil. 3 meter.
     32x8 mm.

     Profile / UYUP021930          Profile / UYUP021940                                   Corner / UYUP027500              Corner / UYUP027000              Corner / UYUP028000
     Wall Sign profile 105 mm.     Wall Sign profile 148 mm.                              Round corner with                Round corner with connector      Round corner with connector
     6 meters.                     6 meters.                                              connector for 26 mm profile.     for 32 mm profile. Packed        for 25 mm profile. Packed
     Profil / UYUP021930           Profil / UYUP021940                                    Packed in 10.                    in 10.                           in 10.
     Wall Sign Profil 105 mm.      Wall Sign Profil 148 mm.                               Eckverbinder / UYUP027500        Eckverbinder / UYUP027000        Eckverbinder / UYUP028000
     6 meter.                      6 meter.                                               Rondoecke mit Verbinder für      Rondoecke mit Verbinder für      Rondoecke mit Verbinder für
                                                                                          26 mm Profil. In 10’er Packung.  32 mm Profil. In 10’er Packung.  25 mm Profil. In 10’er Packung.

     Corner / UYUP029000           Corner / UYUP028500                                    Corner / UYUP056000              Connector / UYUP013000           Connector / UYUP014000
     Round corner with connector   Round corner with connector                            Strech frame plastic corner.     T connector for 51 mm            T connector for 43 mm
     for 30 mm profile. Packed     for 46 mm profile. Packed                              Packed in 4.                     Elips Profile. Packed in 10.     Elips Profile. Packed in 10.
     in 10.                        in 10.                                                 Eckverbinder / UYUP056000        Verbindungselemente /            Verbindungselemente /
     Eckverbinder / UYUP029000     Eckverbinder / UYUP028500                              Strechrahmenplastikecke.         UYUP013000                       UYUP014000
     Rondoecke mit Verbinder       Rondoecke mit Verbinder                                In 4’er Packung.                 T Verbinder für 51 mm            T Verbinder für 43 mm
     für 30 mm Profil. In 10’er    für 46 mm Profil. In 10’er                                                              Elipsprofil. In 10’er Packung.   Elipsprofil. In 10’er Packung.
     Packung.                      Packung.

     For the packing details and minimum quantities please contact our sales executives.
     Über die Verpackung und minimale Menge, sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Verkaufmanager.

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